Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Windows 2008 Sysprep?

Sysprep is a great tool for Windows administrators. It enables a server to be "reset" and copied so they can redeploy the server to a new system, saving time on the installation time. Normally it's a quick method to deploy a system on a physical server to save time but really shines on virtual servers where it's common to deploy new images.

So how does it work?

On 2008 go to the following

From here selection the following options.

1) System Cleanup Action - Select "Enter system out-of-box-experience"
2) Shutdown Options - "Power off"

I usually choose power off because I want to take a image or clone the server after it's been reset using the Sysprep tool. Overall the method to Sysprep is much simpler than before. In the older version of Sysprep in Windows 2003 and XP, you had to copy the Sysprep folder to the C:\ drive and then run the tool to built the options, then run Sysprep.

It's a good sign to see Microsoft make the effort to give a few more tools for the admins.

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