Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Moving out

Looks like I found a good place to stay at in Fremont. It's pretty nice and not too far from school or work. Also the apartment complex has a small pool, lots of parking and just across from the park. I can ride my bike around on the weekends, or practice golfing at the driving range.

This should be interesting, I have no furinture or cooking items, but will be moving in on the 15th. So do I buy the basics at Ikea or just visit garage sales for some used stuff. I'm really limited with money this month, so I think I'll just wait until next month before I start buying stuff for my place.

It's strage just saying that, "my place". I'm so used to saying "my parent's home" from living there so long. Instead of telling my Mom where I'm going I will just leave the apartment.

I'm really excited and scared. Will I always make rent? What happends if I lose my job? This is a turning point for my life, another big marker to look back upon. I wonder where the future will take me?

My friend gave me a Bible verse to read that I read when I'm confused on life.

"For I know the plans I have for you, " declares the Lord... "plans to give you hope and a future."

Jeremiah 29:11


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